Hyldemoer + Co. is a Florida-based provider of Sambucus, the American Elderberry and Elderflower, also known as the, “Englishman’s Grape.” We specialize in nursery and cultivation research on Sambucus orchard plantings. We provide Certified Naturally Grown fruit and flowers harvested from varietal selections that thrive in Florida from stock originating throughout the world. Our Elderberry and Elderflower are grown for the production of wine and other products from tested and trialed varieties. We also produce our own line of bottled products and grow various other hard-to-find crops for winemaking, such as Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa).
You can learn more about Hyldemoer + Co. at, or through our first research grant on Nutraceutical Quality Analysis. Our current Small Business Innovation Research Project, funded by USDA NIFA, focuses on the Florida wine industry and Sambucus based wines. A series of publications on the topic of Sambucus cultivation and markets in Florida are available in cooperation with UF/IFAS online at EDIS:
Elderberry and Elderflower (Sambucus spp.): A Cultivation Guide for Florida
Elderberry and Elderflower (Sambucus spp.): Markets, Establishment Costs and Potential Returns